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Outside of a few films like John Carpenter’s Darkstar, these imagined realities tended to be pristine, shiny and generally fantastical. Stars: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinnessīefore Star Wars, science fiction inhabited a vastly different cinematic landscape. Take note, Warner Bros., and anyone else driven by the need to inject a comic book property with “grit” and “realism.” (Please.) -Michael Burgin (And there’s that little aside from Edna Mode regarding capes and the crusaders undone by them.) And yet, this is still a world where the danger and darkness, as well as the all-too-human traits of our protagonists, can exist side by side with the wonder inherent in a reality where people have super frickin’ powers.

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Syndrome’s plan has already claimed the lives of at least 15 supers by the time Mr.

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The Incredibles takes place in a world where superheroes have been banned by the government. In hindsight, The Incredibles deserves an additional accolade-Brad Bird’s film shows just how one can include dark themes in a superhero film yet not jettison all the other things that make the genre fun and awe-inspiring. The Pixar film is suffused with wit and wonder, with the oh-so-familiar family dynamic of the Family Parr being just as crucial to the final product as Syndrome’s Bond-worthy supervillain hideout and dastardly plan. Nelson), Helen (Holly Hunter), Violet (Sarah Vowell) and Dash (Spencer Fox) dealt with some rather serious Buddy (Jason Lee) issues, The Incredibles remains the gold standard-a deft balance of heart, humor and superheroics. With all the leaps and bounds taken in the genre in the last ten years alone, it should not be possible that the best superhero film ever is an animated film that came about separately from Marvel, DC or any of the companies in the business of making comics. It’s hard to imagine that Empire will ever be toppled as the greatest Star Wars film of all time, but if it somehow is, that will indeed be a momentous disturbance in the Force. All builds to what is perhaps the biggest “oh my god!” reveal in cinema history, completely redefining the audience’s perception of all the events that led up to it. A colorful array of bounty hunters is assembled. The petty squabbles of the Imperial Navy and its never-ending parade of dead officers give us a glimpse into the structure of the enemy. Elsewhere, the series’ space-piloting scenes have their most goosebump-raising moment when the Falcon dodges asteroids and T.I.E. The mysticism and wonder of Star Wars are at their zenith in Empire.

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His Dagobah scenes with Yoda are heavy with omens and portent never in the series do the arcane mysteries of the Force feel as compelling as they do while Luke levitates rocks and digests philosophy. Every character undergoes positive growth: Leia (Carrie Fisher) moves from “princess” figurehead to military commander and tireless organizer of a resistance Han (Harrison Ford) has become a leader of men, completing the transition he began when returning to help destroy the Death Star in A lion New Hope and Luke (Mark Hamill) finally starts down the path to becoming a Jedi in earnest.

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It gives flesh to the idea of the “Rebel Alliance,” showing us how this ragtag band of freedom fighters operates while slowly winning the ideological battle and drawing more support to their cause. The Empire Strikes Back is Exhibit A in the category of sequels that surpass the original, taking the wondrous world we were granted in A New Hope and deepening, expanding its purview in every direction. Stars: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Here are the 50 Best Movies on Disney+:ġ. We dug through the hundreds of live-action and animated movies streaming on the service to bring you the 50 best. But it’s not just The Mandalorian and WandaVision! Movies from all areas of Disney’s empire are readily available and when that includes the worlds of Pixar, Star Wars, Marvel, Disney animated classics, and even a few from 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight…well, there’s going to be a lot to love. There’s also a lot of weird Disney Channel original movies, straight-to-DVD sequels, and quite a few gaps in what it could be. Disney+ has quickly risen to the level of “streaming giant,” offering most of Disney’s animated and live-action properties, Marvel movies, Star Wars films, and 21st Century Fox catalog in one streaming service-and for just $7/month.

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